How to Choose the Right Anchor for Your Pontoon Boat

Much like finding the right model and motor, choosing the best anchor for your vessel is necessary for a great boating season. The ability to reliably stay put in your pontoon is a non-negotiable asset.

Below, we’ll discuss the best anchors for pontoon boats, along with what makes them popular and where they each work best. Plus, we’ll explore some important considerations for choosing both anchors and boats correctly.

Popular Anchors

When it comes to boating gear and equipment, anchors are among the most essential items. There are many factors to assess and consider when choosing the best anchor for a pontoon boat.

Every scenario’s demands will be different, so the right anchor can vary. Let’s examine the various anchor selections available, along with the traits they share and what sets them apart.

1. Danforth

The Danforth anchor is a good option for the majority of seabeds because it’s made to dig into soft bottoms as well as hard sand. However, it won’t hold well in rocky river beds where it can’t dig in.

Recreational boaters love Danforth anchors’ convenient, fold-up flukes, which make storing them easier while they’re not in use.

2. Plow

Plow anchors come in a couple of different styles, and they aren’t unlike the Danforth in shape. It’s also suited for clay, muck, and sand bottoms and is similarly likely to fall short on any hard or rocky bottom.

Also, like the Danforth, some Plow anchors have fold-up hinges for more convenient storage. Other Plow anchors are bulkier with immovable flukes.

3. Mushroom

Easy to spot for its namesake shape, the Mushroom is a solid option for the long-term placement of floating buoys. Mushroom anchors are designed to collect silt, making them heavier over time.

Small fishing boats taking short stops on muddy, soft bottoms can also have success using a mushroom anchor while anchoring for brief periods of time.

4. Grapnel

Unlike the Danforth, Grapnel anchors can hold strong on rocky bottoms because they’re shaped to hook well into hard objects.

The Grapnel can also fold up, so it’s a great option for compact onboard storage. On a rocky river with a small vessel, the Grapnel may be the best anchor for pontoon boats that need to stop for short periods.

5. Richter

The multipurpose Richter anchor performs well with most bottoms, but it should be noted that it requires a significant amount of storage space. It has immovable flukes that are made to hold well, not unlike the Grapnel.

The Richter’s angled flukes aren’t as conducive to digging into sandy bottoms as the Danforth’s, and conditions with strong winds and forceful currents may not be ideal. Still, due to its weight displacement and intentional design, this formidable anchor can usually take on most types of bottoms.

6. Auger

Do you know you’ll be hitting the sandbar a lot this season? Long stays in sandy bottoms are no problem for the Auger, which twists into the seabed like a screw.

For soft, shallow bottoms, there’s also an electric, Auger-like product on the market called the Power Pole, but a manually operated Auger anchor works just fine, too.

Choosing the Best Anchor for a Pontoon Boat

It’s crucial to pair your anchor with your boat and activities based on your needs and surroundings: consider the water and its type of bottom.

Using the appropriate anchor for the job at hand is essential to getting the performance you need from your equipment.

Where to Start

When deciding on the best anchor for your pontoon boat, there are three things you must consider:

  • vessel dimensions
  • water conditions
  • the type of seabed or bottom


Using an unfit anchor can be extremely problematic. Knowing these three factors is critical to choosing the best anchor, as each option is designed to perform well in different types of settings.

The Right Connection

To get the most out of any anchor, make sure you have sufficient length and strength of a suitable anchor rode or connecting line. Sometimes a surprising amount is needed.

Usually made of rope and/or chain, it’s important to have enough distance for varying depths. Anchor rode with metal elements will be better weighted for greater current resistance.

Choosing the Best Pontoon Boat

If you’re still in the process of boat shopping and you’re unsure which pontoon is right for you, we’ve got you covered.

Deciding on the right vessel will depend on several important details, starting with your budget and desired design. It’s also necessary to contemplate the conditions of the water it will be frequenting and the kinds of activities you’ll want to use it for.

Selecting the perfect boat is different for every person. Some of the main factors to consider when pontoon boat shopping are:

While the design and dimensions of pontoons vary greatly, typically, the strength of the engine should pair well with the boat’s size limitations and your upcoming activities.

High speeds and water sports will usually demand an engine with higher horsepower, while leisurely cruising in a short vessel on small or limited waters may not require more than 100-150 hp.

It’s also important to consider the water. Is it salt or freshwater? What range of depth? Is it very large or small? Are there speed limits?

Familiarize yourself with the marine forecast, the current, and the average wave height and choppiness. These will factor into finding the right boat elements.

Finally, consult with professionals and manufacturer websites for details on deals and specific item prices.

Investing in a pontoon can cost anywhere from several thousand to several tens of thousands of dollars, depending on your personal desires and limitations. Reliable resources are extremely useful in managing expectations for the most successful outcomes.


A pontoon is more than the sum of its parts – but a safe and successful day of boating depends heavily on having all the right equipment, from bow to stern and engine to anchor.

Novice and avid boaters alike are right to pursue the very best anchor for their pontoon boat. The right anchor for you will depend on which is most suited to your boat, your needs, and the bottom of the sea, lake, or river it’ll soon call home.

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