We do not sell direct because we want you to benefit from the expertise of your dealer. When you buy a boat you need a partner to help you with boat operation, registration, and after the sale service. Your authorized Avalon dealer will be your partner. Find an authorized dealer here.

We want you to benefit from the expertise of your dealer. When you buy a boat you need a partner to help you with boat operation, registration, and after the sale service. Your authorized Avalon or Tahoe dealer will be your partner. However if the dealer is unavailable or unable to satisfy your request, please contact customer service for the part you need.

We offer replacement covers for recent year model boats. For older boats there are limited patterns available. You can contact us or your dealer to find out if yours is available. If not, we recommend that you contact a local canvas maker. They usually provide a high quality cover that will cost no more, or possibly less, than our factory cover.

There are two types of trailers for pontoons. The first is a scissor type trailer that goes under the deck. This trailer is best when you want to pull the boat out, transport it short distances, and then put it on the ground. It is also best if you launch your boat at a very shallow ramp. The disadvantage is the fact that it has a narrow wheel base. This makes it more prone to tipping if too tight a turn is made. It also tends to exaggerate bumps in the road. This type of trailer cannot be used for triple pontoon models.

The second type is a drive on trailer. This trailer is best for transporting the boat long distances. It spreads the weight of the boat along bunks that the pontoons rest on. It is easier to load and unload with this trailer. The disadvantage is that it sets the boat higher off the ground. This creates wind resistance during towing. It can also make launching from a shallow ramp more difficult.

The float on is the most widely used type.

Any boat exposed to saltwater can be affected by the salt. However, to minimize the effects of saltwater on our Pontoon, the following preparation and maintenance should be followed:

If you plan to use your boat in saltwater all portions of the boat that will be submerged should be painted with an approved aluminum anti-fouling paint. This service is provided by your dealer or by someone recommended by your dealer. There is an extra charge for this service.

In some cases you may need to have zinc anodes added to your boat to prevent electrolysis. Electrolysis is a deterioration of the metal caused by stray electrical current interacting with the saltwater. Ask your dealer whether he recommends zinc anodes. There is an extra charge for this service.

If you trailer your boat and use it in Saltwater anti-fouling paint on the bottom of the pontoons should be applied to be sure that the pontoons have a barrier between them and the bunks. If anti-fouling paint is not used corrosion can occur at the point the trailer bunk meets the pontoon. The application of antifouling paint is a service provided by your dealer or by someone recommended by your dealer. There is an extra charge for this service.

After each use the entire boat must be washed down with freshwater to remove salt deposits. Allow the boat to dry before covering it with the mooring or seat covers.

Cover your boat WHEN DRY with seat covers or a mooring cover to keep salt and weather off of your boat. Since most salt water areas are very humid and hot it is imperative that the boat be dry before it is covered. If you cover it wet you WILL see mildew develop.

If you Trailer you MUST flush the saltwater from in between the bunks and the pontoons. This does not prevent corrosion of no anti fouling paint is applied.

A yearly inspection for corrosion or deterioration of the electrical connections is recommended. Avalon & Tahoe does NOT warrant saltwater corrosion.

Some dealers add additional saltwater resistant materials to our boats to make them even better suited for saltwater use. These specially equipped models may have a sticker called “Saltwater Series”. However this does not make them Saltwater proof nor keep salt water from affecting them to some degree. Even these models must have all of the above described preparation and maintenance to minimize the affects of salt water.

Saltwater use should be confined primarily to bays and inlets. A pontoon is not made to be an ocean going craft and as such can only be used in the ocean if conditions are similar to an inland lake and only close to shore.

These are two separate brands sold by separate dealers. Both brands are made using the best quality materials and are both backed by Avalon & Tahoe Mfg. Inc.

Your dealer is the place to go for warranty service. Please contact us only if you cannot get satisfactory service from your dealer.

Certainly! We would enjoy the opportunity to answer all your questions.

Please go to our boat builder to get pricing. Then call your dealer who might have additional promotional discounts available.

Click here for vinyl floor cleaning tips. Click here for seat vinyl cleaning tips.

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